Wir freuen uns, allen Studierenden, die an den Flash-Talk-Sitzungen während unserer letzten IRTG-Klausur teilgenommen haben, mitzuteilen, dass ihr Teilnahmepreis verfügbar ist!

We’re pleased to inform all students that participated in the flash talk sessions during our recent IRTG Retreat, that their participation prize is available!
Each of you will receive a 1-year subscription to Nature Masterclasses On-demand!
This subscription, starting October 31st, grants access to a variety of online courses designed to enhance your research skills, including topics such as paper writing, poster design, grant writing, finding grant opportunities, and many more. The subscription includes access to the new courses will be added throughout the year as well.

To help you choose the best courses for your goals, we invite you to take this short quiz to discover tailored recommendations based on your needs.
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity—request your personal access code today. You can do so by emailing the IRTG coordinator ()
Please note that the deadline to claim your prize is November 15, 2024.