Neuronal heterogeneity in the medial septum and diagonal band of Broca: classes and continua
Felix Kuhn, Petra Mocellin, Stefano Pupe, Lihua Wang, Andrew L. Lemire, Liudmila Sosulina, Oliver Barnstedt, Nelson Spruston, Mark S. Cembrowski, Stefan Remy
Neuronal heterogeneity in the medial septum and diagonal band of Broca: classes and continua
Kuhn, F., Mocellin, P., Pupe, S., Cembrowski, M. S., & Remy, S.
Physical activity modulates early visual response and improves target detection in humans
Weischner, T., Che, X., Schmid, P., Reichert, C., Scholz, A., Knight, R.T., Dürschmid, S.
Physical Exercise Improves Working Memory through Ripple-Spindle Coupling
Che, X., Auer, B., Schmid, P., Reichert, C., Scholz, A., Weischner, T., Knight, R.T., Dürschmid, S.
A hippocampus-accumbens code guides goal-directed appetitive behavior
Barnstedt O, Mocellin P, Remy S
A septal to ventral tegmental area circuit drives exploratory behaviour
Mocellin P, Barnstedt O,Luxem K, Kaneko H, Karpova A, Henschke J, Dalügge D, Fuhrmann F, Pakan JMP, Kreutz MR, MikulovicS, and Remy S
Inferring Salient Motifs during Learning Experiments
Jamaludeen N, Kuhn F, Brechmann A, Fuhrmann F, Remy S and Spiliopoulou M
Modelling the contributions to hyperexcitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Mittag M, Mediavilla L, Remy S, Cuntz H, Jedlicka P
Jacob-induced transcriptional inactivation of CREB promotes Aβ-induced synapse loss in Alzheimer’s disease
K. M Grochowska, G. M Gomes, R. Raman, R. Kaushik, L. Sosulina, H. Kaneko, A. M Oelschlegel, P. Yuanxiang, I. Reyes-Resina, G. Bayraktar, S. Samer, C. Spilker, M. S Woo, M. Morawski, J. Goldschmidt, M. A Friese, S. Rossner, G. Navarro, S. Remy, C. Reissner, A. Karpova, M. R Kreutz
Identifying behavioral structure from deep variational embeddings of animal motion
Luxem K, Mocellin P, Fuhrmann F, Kürsch J, Miller SR, Palop JJ, Remy S, Bauer P.