Cognitive Reserve Against Alzheimer’s Pathology Is Linked to Brain Activity During Memory Formation
Niklas Vockert, Judith Machts, Luca Kleineidam, Aditya Nemali, Hartmut Schütze, Renat Yakupov, Oliver Peters, Daria Gref, Luisa Sophie Schneider, Lukas Preis, Josef Priller, Eike Jakob Spruth, Slawek Altenstein, Anja Schneider, Klaus Fliessbach, Jens Wiltfang, Ayda Rostamzadeh, Wenzel Glanz, Enise I. Incesoy, Stefan Teipel, Ingo Kilimann, Doreen Goerss, Christoph Laske, Matthias H. Munk, Annika Spottke, Nina…
Cerebral hyperactivation across the Alzheimer’s disease pathological cascade
Corriveau-Lecavalier N., Adams J.N., Fischer L., Molloy E.N., Maass A.
Age-related differences in human cortical microstructure depend on the distance to the nearest vein
Christoph Knoll, Juliane Doehler, Alicia Northall, Stefanie Schreiber, Johanna Rotta, Hendrik Mattern, Esther Kuehn
Identifying older adults at risk for dementia based on smartphone data obtained during a wayfinding task in the real world
Marquardt J, Mohan P, Spiliopoulou M, Glanz W, Butryn M, Kuehn E, Schreiber S, Maass A, Diersch N.
Precuneus activity during retrieval is positively associated with amyloid burden in cognitively normal older APOE4 carriers
Larissa Fischer, Eóin N. Molloy, Alexa Pichet Binette, Niklas Vockert, Jonas Marquardt, Andrea Pacha Pilar, Michael C. Kreissl, Jordana Remz, Judes Poirier, M. Natasha Rajah, Sylvia Villeneuve, PREVENT-AD Research Group, Anne Maass
Enlarged perivascular spaces in the basal ganglia are associated with arteries not veins
Oltmer J, Mattern H, Beck J, Yakupov R, Greenberg SM, Zwanenburg JJ, Arts T, Düzel E, van Veluw SJ, Schreiber S, Perosa V
Age-related differences in finger interdependence during complex hand movements
Lisa Klemm, Esther Kuehn, Avinash Kalyani, Stefanie Schreiber, Christoph Reichert, Elena Azañón
Microvascular damage, neuroinflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling in Col18a1 knockout mice as a model for early cerebral small vessel disease
Mahsima Khoshneviszadeh, Solveig Henneicke, Daniel Pirici, Akilashree Senthilnathan, Lorena Morton, Philipp Arndt, Rahul Kaushik, Oula Norman, Jari Jukkola, Ildiko Rita Dunay, Constanze Seidenbecher, Anne Heikkinen, Stefanie Schreiber *, Alexander Dityatev *
Reduced dimension stimulus decoding and column-based modeling reveal architectural differences of primary somatosensory finger maps between younger and older adults
Avinash Kalyani, Oliver Contier, Lisa Klemm, Elena Azañon, Stefanie Schreiber, Oliver Speck, Christoph Reichert, Esther Kuehn
Gaussian Process-based prediction of memory performance and biomarker status in ageing and Alzheimer’s disease-A systematic model evaluation
A. Nemali, N. Vockert, D. Berron, A. Maas, J. Bernal, R. Yakupov, O. Peters, D. Gref, N. Cosma, L. Preis, J. Priller, E. Spruth, S. Altenstein, A. Lohse, K. Fliessbach, O. Kimmich, I. Vogt, J. Wiltfang, N. Hansen, C. Bartels, G. Ziegler