IRTG – MD Fellowships

As part of the CRC 1436 – Integrated Research Training Group, we offer MD fellowships. This fellowship is aiming at medical students who are interested in being integrated into the research and qualification program.

This program serves as an interface between clinical and biological research and aims to awaken their interest in biomedical research and to improve their understanding of clinical and scientific approaches.

  • The fellowships should be distributed (+/-) equally onto the sub-projects, according to their needs.
  • The duration of an individual MD fellowship is 12 months (3 students/year for the whole CRC).
  • The average monthly grant is EUR 964/person.
  • Usual time period:   1.04 – 31.03 & 1.10 – 30.09

Fellow selection will be made by our steering committee upon recommendation by the MD fellowship panel.

Application documents

From PI:

  1. Abstract of the project Including an explanation on how the proposed project shall contribute to the research aims of CRC 1436 2)
  2. Schedule of work packages during the fellowship period Consider that planned work packages should be feasible for a (typically research-inexperienced) MD student within the fellowship period of maximally 12 months
  3. Recommendation letter Statement of the PI regarding the selection of this particular candidate including the candidate’s interest, background knowledge, motivation and other factors that may determine suitability for the position

From MD Student:

  1. Motivation letter
  2. CV
  3. Certificate and grade of the 1st state examination (Physikum)

MD students have to pause their studies during the fellowship period. Successful applicants will be asked to provide an official release note from the medical faculty no later than 2 weeks before the start of the fellowship term.

Our MD Fellows

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Luca Budinger

CRC 1436 member Julius Duske

Julius Duske

CRC member Sophia Engler

Sophia Engler

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Annabell Ernst

CRC 1436 member Hannah Gapp

Hannah Gapp

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Lilli Marie Lümkemann

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Linus Marquering

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Julia Poppke

CRC 1436 member Theresa Schaaf

Theresa Schaaf

Julius Duske

I’m a medicine student at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. Since October 2022, I am pausing my studies, to work on my MD thesis at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology. As a part of project A01 at CRC1436, I explore the influence that circadian rhythm disturbances have on cognitive flexibility. Because the neuropeptide orexin plays an important role in regulating sleep-wake cycle and its brain levels are affected by disruptions of it, I’m interested whether an orexinergic modulation on chronic jetlag-induced mice can decrease their deficits in cognitive flexibility.

Sophia Engler

I am a medical student at Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg, and I intend to temporarily pause my studies starting in October 2023 to fully dedicate myself to my research in Project B02. I will focus on studying the effects of cognitive training on the brain performance and plasticity of older adults. Additionally, I will investigate the structural changes in the brain and assess the impact of hidden pathologies.

Lilli Marie Lümkemann

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Julia Poppke

I am a medical student at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and have decided to pause my studies to work on my MD thesis at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology. As a part of the CRC-project A01, I am focussing on the NMDA receptor and the question of how the stimulation of the GluN2A subunit of the receptor affects cognitive flexibility in mice. The NMDA receptor has an important role in learning processes and adaptation to changes in the environment, which I am investigating by using the Attentional Set Shifting Task (ASST).