Der SFB 1436 und das Institut für Kognitive Neurologie und Demenzforschung lädt zu einem Vortrag von Dr. Davide Ciliberti, Gruppenleiter des Projekts „Elektrophysiologie des menschlichen Gedächtnisses: invasive Hirnaufzeichnung und Hirnstimulation“, mit dem Titel: „Open-Source-Software für Closed-Loop-Neurowissenschaften und ihre Anwendung auf die Hippocampus-Wiedergabe“.
Wann: Montag, 25. März, 15.00 Uhr MEZ
Wo: DZNE-Gebäude, Raum 121
Abstract: Causally linking the spontaneous occurrence of transient patterns of neural activity to cognition requires the use of closed-loop experiments. Such experiments are often difficult to implement because they require real-time processing of neural signals. To simplify this process, I created Falcon: an open-source software platform designed to have high flexibility and performance in processing streaming multi-channel neural data. In this talk, I will describe Falcon and demonstrate how it can be used to classify hippocampal replay content in freely moving rats. Finally, I will give a brief overview of my future research lines in human invasive neurophysiology at the IKND.